As a result of our
lovely friends being away on holiday for a week, I needed to do an extra nursery
run and I decided that rather than ask for an extra
work-from-home day, I would take a day's holiday to drop C off and then have a
little bit of time to myself.
In the run up to my
day, I spent a certain amount of time mulling over what I might get up to. I knew
that I wanted to do only nice things and to make every minute count. To do
things that are hard to do when you've got a little person needing your
attention. The anticipation became a treat in itself; what would I do? what
could I do? There was no should about
it, no sense of duty, because I was only going to do things that I wanted to do.

I had planned lots of things for the afternoon –
knit, make malteser tiffin, watch a movie, paint my nails – but the
weather was so nice that I took a blanket to my nearest park and read my book
until it was time to collect little C from nursery.
What a wonderful day.
And the best part of that day? Seeing C's lovely little face when I picked her
up from nursery and getting those two perfect, pudgy arms wrapped around my
neck when I reached down to pick her for a cuddle.
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