I was incredibly lucky to be given an amazing new Mac for Christmas, and I am very, very happy with it. Unfortunately as I transferred the contents of my old, very much on its last legs, Mac onto the new beautiful shiny one, I transferred a bit of a glitch that had been in my existing photo library. I'd known that there had been a problem for a while, but didn't quite understand what it was - much less be able to fix it. so, not wanting there to be anything at all wrong with my lovely new toy, I duly took it along to the local Genius bar, where a very kind and patient genius put my photos (and me) on the road to recovery.
He basically created a brand new library then took every recoverable photo that I had ever stored on the old mac (and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that) and put them in a folder on the new one. I would then have to sort through over 6,000 photos and put them all in new folders so that I could find particular happenings whenever I want to. Now, I thought that this was going to be a tedious and time-consuming job and I decided that I was going to try and do a couple of months' worth of photos every night until I'd got it done. But no. It turned out to be a real joy! It was such a pleasure looking at my old pictures and reminiscing.
As I've been going along I've been reliving so many happy memories: wonderful holidays, happy family times, fun with friends, weddings, new babies, beauty that I've seen everywhere and lots and lots and lots of craft! What a treat!
On the needles this week, I've finished just about the sweetest project I've ever put together.
Blu from Knitty Winter 2005 is an adorable pair of baby jeans made out of Rowan Denim. You can embroider them with fake fly, pocket stitching and even add on a patch for an extra degree of cuteness!
I've made them for my new godson, Toby and I can't wait to give them to his mum and dad. I've been showing them off to just about everyone I know and they've all been completely charmed by them! Thanks, Cristina Bernardi Shiffman and Kay Gardiner for such a brilliant pattern.
To go with them, I'm going to make a stripy navy and cream jumper - he's going to look every bit the dapper young man! It is the perfect weather for staying in and knitting. As I write this, I am warming up from some hilarious sledging on my trusty Very Hungry Caterpillar tea-tray, while admiring the four inches of snow that are currently hiding the ever-so-slightly unloved state of my back garden! And I've just made some yummy, buttery flapjacks - think I'll put the kettle on and have a cup of tea.
Currently reading: Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger and nearing the end of (the very long and complicated, but fabulous, and wintry) Doctor Zhivago.